Mrs. Okon (not her real name) had been having a running battle with her husband over the issue of getting a househelp for the family to help with the household chores. Her husband was against the idea volunteering to assist her with some of the chores she felt were stressful. She was still not ok with that and was hell bent on bringing in a house-help. After a long drawn battle the husband finally consented to the idea although this he did reluctantly.
She met her friend who introduced her to another woman who eventually got her a 15year old girl from one of these neighboring countries.
The girl came in and settled down and was in the house for 4years until she started falling sick. Eventually she was screened for HIV and lo and behold she was HIV positive. She became agitated and didn’t know what to do and where to go because she wasn’t sure if the girl hadn’t sexually abused any of her 3 boys or infected them with the virus.
Welcome to another time out with me. I can’t appreciate you enough for your soul lifting messages. God bless you abundantly.
I have always wondered how our mothers used to combine farming, cooking as well as raising us in those days especially those of them with a large contingent of children. But times have changed and it has become more difficult for the 21st century mothers to raise 2
children and manage the home front that our shortest route is getting a house-help.
I love problem solving but more importantly I love creative problem solving so whenever I am confronted with a situation that threatens my sanity I would rather analyze it and come up with a better solution than go for the shortest route out of the problem.
Often times I hear many women say to me that they can’t survive without a house-help but the question that readily comes to mind is ‘If the cost of hiring a house-help is higher than what you earn would you still go for the house-help option’?
I am so certain that if there is an association that is called ‘house helps association of Nigeria’ and they decided to increase what their members earn based on their indispensability many of us will look for a way out of the situation and suddenly realize we can actually survive without them.
This is not intended to stop us from hiring house-helps but to count the cost of getting a house-help and other ways of getting the job done without actually bringing someone to stay with you.
Here are some facts about house-helps:
- A house-help is a child that most likely was not properly brought up by her parents because if that had been done she would not have ended up as a house-help
- Most of the house-helps we hire come in frustrated with life and don’t understand why they should be slaving while the madam that brought them is earning their pay
- It is easier for a house-help to attract strange fellows and spirits into your house than any other person
- It is easier for a house-help to mess up your child’s future without your knowledge.
- Many of our house-helps are victims of child sexual abuse and wouldn’t mind transferring their aggression and quest for vengeance on the people around including our children
- A house-help can’t understand why she has to stay at home while your children go to school and you come back to complain of the quality of her work
- She can’t understand why you punish her for not treating your child right knowing fully when she is years older than your child.
- Many of them grew up with wrong values so you may not be able to change them overnight.
- A house-help is also a human being with feelings and human needs including the need to be loved and cared for. So don’t be surprised if she has a lover in the neighbourhood (they are actually very vulnerable)
- The greatest revelation is that many of them come in with HIV infection and very easy for them to pass the virus to your child through sexual abuse
Unfortunately we trigger some of these wicked acts in them by our wickedness because we hardly ever appreciate, celebrate or treat them right. We don’t see them as the daughter of a fellow parent. We don’t even see our children in them so we have different treatments for our children and another for the house help so they feel unwanted and unappreciated yet we make the biggest error of committing the care of our children into their hands because many of them spend more time with our children than us. So what do you expect?
To be continued
All these are from Praise fowowe
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