Ladies you all need to read this in, you won't believe some of the things you are about to read.
For those who don't know her, Karrine Stefans (pictured above) is a former video vixen, who was married to Darius McCrary (Eddie Winslow of popular 90s TV sitcom - Family Matters). The two divorced in 2011, and three months later, Karrine was married again, but this time, to an unknown dread-locked dude.
A few days ago, Ms Karrine posted a letter on her website to her husband. Read it below
Sometimes, in relationships, the pleasure is all theirs. Alone, I am a superhero. With you, I am a mere mortal. You deplete me. I’m tired of being your upgrade. We are not equally yoked. You really deserve someone more basic. I’m tired of pretending your mediocrity is okay with me.
I’m tired of pretending I don’t miss G650′s. I’m tied of pretending you’re not a burden. I’m tired of pretending I don’t deserve a f-cking BOSS! I’m tired of you driving my car. Stop telling me you love me as if you’re doing me some sort of favor. I don’t need you to love me. I love me.
I’m tired of pretending like you shouldn’t be intimidated by the other men in my life. Cuz you should. I’m tired of pretending as if I support your bullshit dreams. I’m tired of pretending your d-ck isn’t the smallest d-ck I’ve ever seen in my life. Cuz it is.